Thursday, September 3, 2020

Virtual Learning Environment In Higher Education Education Essay

The utilization of Blackboard stage has been received by numerous higher securing foundations. Be that as it may, a couple surveies have been done on its effect on students, talks and organizations. This proposition is about the effect of useful procurement condition bundle, for example, Blackboard in higher securing foundations ; an occurrence overview has previously demonstrated that the Blackboard bundle is being utilized essentially for authoritative maps and non to its maximal limit. Acknowledgment In spite of the fact that only my name shows up on the screen of this proposal, a considerable number individuals have added to its creation. I owe my appreciation to each one of those individuals who have made this proposal conceivable and in view of whom my experience has been one that I will think about everlastingly. My most profound appreciation is to my counsel, Dr.William Micheal Gasser. I have been shockingly lucky to hold a consultant who gave me the opportunity to investigate on my ain, and at a similar clasp the guidance to recover when my stairss wavered. I am other than appreciative to him for advancing the use of right sentence structure and predictable documentation in my Hagiographas and for cautiously perusing and seeing on endless modifications of this composition. Numerous companions have helped me stay normal through these tough situations. Their help and consideration helped me show signs of improvement of inverts and stay concentrated on my review. I enormously esteem their amicable relationship and I profoundly value their confidence in me. I am other than appreciative the individuals who helped me in my examination by providing input through the on-line polls. Most altogether, none of this would hold been conceivable without the affection and restraint of my family unit. My prompt family has been an immutable start of affection, concern, backing and quality for me. I would wish to show my genuine appreciation to my family unit. My all-encompassing family has helped and supported me all through this endeavor. Contentss 1 Introduction 5 2 Introduction to VLE 6 1.1. Issue Statement 10 1.2. Target 10 1.3. Result and Actors 11 1.4. Degree and Scale 11 1.5. Moral issues 11 1.6. Purposes and Objectives 12 1.7. Theory Outline 13 2 Research Methodology 13 2.1 Library Search 14 2.2 Online Journal Articles Search 14 2.3 Open Access Online Journal Articles Search 14 2.4 Web Search 15 2.5 Extra Literature 16 3 Impact of Using Blackboard Software on Students and Lectors 16 3.1 Students 16 3.1.1 Students ‘ perceptual experience 17 3.1.2 Students Evaluation of VLE Components 18 3.1.3 Blackboard versus Face to Face Teaching 19 3.1.4 Impact on Learning 20 3.1.5 Impact on Learning Outcomes 21 3.1.6 Impact on Society 22 3.2 Lectors 22 3.2.1 Lectures ‘ perceptual experience 23 3.3 Impact on IS Strategy 25 3.4 Students points of view 28 3.5 Lecturers positions 30 4 Decisions 33 5 Bibliography 34IntroductionIn late mature ages, the interest for guidance has changed in view of an expanded interest for an incredibly taught work power that will be relied upon to larn ceaselessly ( Alavi and A ; Leidner, 2001 ) . Training has become an un stoping system in one ‘s life-time because of which the organization of guidance are other than being changed so as to run into the standpoints and to keep up the coherence of guidance voyaging. The obtaining which was abdominal muscle initio done in a face to go up against condition, is going into a domain intervened by registering machines and computerized engineerings. In 1886, the primary leader of the University of Chicago, William Rainer Harper composed: â€Å" the understudy who has arranged a specific figure of exercises in the correspondence school knows a greater amount of the subject rewarded in those exercises, and realizes it better than the student who has canvassed a similar land in the schoolroom † ( Harper, 1971, p. 12 ) . Since the 1970s, the Open University of UK, has spearheaded the build of present day separation obtaining by providing mixed learning conditions of eye to eye mentoring and class groups including sound and video-based class stuff. Since the coming to of the Internet, instructive net-based building is sprouting rapidly at colleges overall ( Mason, 2003 ) . Nonetheless, the interest of useful securing has ever so expanded today, that we scarcely discover an understudy/coach who does n't use or cognize how to use the reasonable procurement bundles accessible. Some examination has been done on securing by Virtual procurement conditions, and they show a variable perceptual encounter of VLEs for the two students and scholarly staff. In a rating of on-line separation guidance, Westerberg and Marald ( 2004 ) found that college executives and teachers saw such a guidance as an organization of making out to a higher figure of students. Understudies, on the different manus, valued the opportunity to break down in a mode increasingly free of restrictions of clasp and endless, than conventional guidance nearby. Instructors encountered a substantial outstanding task at hand and high standpoints to be open to students, while understudies apparent the academic nature of online classs being lower, contrasted with classs nearby ( Westerberg and A ; Mar ald, 2004 ) . The discoveries of high viewpoints of being accessible to students are affirmed by Zhang and Nunamaker ( 2003 ) , who found that researchers see more possibilities for speaking with instructors in a down to earth obtaining condition than in a conventional schoolroom. With these varying suppositions in head, it could be reasonable to ask if learning by offices of useful procurement situations is a wonder genuinely acknowledged by educators and understudies. This proposal is being completed to occur out the components demonstration uponing the effect of handy obtaining condition for both the understudies and the educators/turtors.Introduction to VLEAA commonsense procurement condition ( VLE ) An is aA softwareA framework created to back up securing and guidance in an instructive domain. A VLE can work inside an organization by means of Local Area Network ( LAN ) , over the Internet as Wide Area Network ( WAN ) and flexibly an accumulation of instructive devices so as to ease assignments, conveying, substance course and attendings. VLEs can be utilized for separation obtaining or supplement conventional face to stand up to schoolroom exercises. A website page is a front terminal interface that is perused by understudies and scholastic staff, the back terminal can speak to databases, web server and other significant equipment and bundle instruments. Board ( c.f. , Figure 1 ) is VLE bundle that underpins and encourages on-line obtaining and teaching.A An It empowers, Course content stuffs, for example, talk notes and talk slides to be transferred on the Blackboard website for simple dish and downloads by students Web based imparting between instructors/guides and students by the use of discussions and treatment sheets Online able introduction and instructional exercises in a down to earth schoolroom Gatherings bearing so as to ease treatment and trade of instructive stuffs Transferring and taking on-line assignments that include programmed marker and input procedures Posting announcements on a site and messaging students selected on a curious class Planning class and task cutoff times Following students exercises on a site and Course work section and its programmed acknowledgment. Slate bundle is utilized by more than 3700 guidance foundations in excess of 60 states Smith ( 2009 ) . Figure 1: Blackboard screen capture Numerous investigates have indicated that understudies ‘ exercises under Virtual Learning Environment are generally founded on regulatory maps, for example, oppressing assignments and perusing messages in discussions or newssheets. It has been discovered that students are only dynamic and draw in themselves in community oriented and synergistic exercises in ain condition, for example, in cultural systems administration ( for example , Facebook and Myspace ) . A study in Smith ( 2009 ) indicated that in spite of the fact that students esteem assets set on VLEs, for example, Blackboard, they esteem more face to defy contact with their lectors or coachs. Lectors play an extremely basic capacity in how students draw in themselves with VLEs. Examination in Smith ( 2009 ) has demonstrated that main part of lectors are supplanting the bing techniques on the other hand of presenting new strategies that will elevate understudies to luxuriate community and synergistic obtaining strategies. Another exploration has indicated that a few lectors ‘ use of Blackboard has upgraded their examination of understudies work capablenesss in the face to go up against schoolroom scenes ( Woods et al. ( 2004 ) . In the majority of least created states, VLEs are viewed as substandard compared to face to go up against schoolroom scenes. On the off chance that building is reasonably utilized so it typically has significant advantages to our everyday life. A similar boss applies to the use of Blackboard. Fitting use of Blackboard has appeared to hold significant advantages to the two students and their lectors. A portion of these are layout beneath. Customary strategies ( face to defy learning ) were contrasted and the use of Blackboard bundle for human science students. It was uncovered that students ‘ rating thought about well in the gathering that was using Blackboard with significant expansion in perceptual encounters of lector relationship and rating Koeber ( 2005 ) The exploration in Campbell et Al. ( 2008 ) found that members on-line treatment accomplished higher Markss in their tests than those with face to stand up to strategy. This demonstrated VLE was connected with more prominent achievements. It was appeared in Hepworth et Al ( 2000 ) that VLEs advance fundamentally more noteworthy basic idea among students than conventional technique for up close and personal schoolrooms. It was uncovered by APLU ( 2009 ) that larning results by means of Blackboard were superior to up close and personal directions. It was discovered that 56 % of talks ( with and without on-line experience ) prescribed on-line plans to in any event one student. It was indicated that more than 80 % of addressed with on-line talking experience suggested on-line plans. Farquarson ( 2007 )

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9250 words

Paper - Essay Example every one of the factors is numeric in nature, most piece of the discoveries included the utilization of tables and charts despite the fact that the emotional spellbinding examination of the discoveries kept up the study’s subjective nature. Information was gathered by first estimating the debasement recognition list of Spain. This gave a general thought of the degree of debasement in the nations. The debasement discernment list was then contrasted with every one of the monetary factors, which likewise fill in as indicators of financial downturn. Results from the investigation have affirmed that debasement negatively affects two of the factors to be specific GDP development rate and family unit salary. The different elements related with the event of defilement makes it the impact of debasement on the economy extremely changing. In general, it tends to be said that the more broad instances of debasement inside a given economy is, the bigger the impact that will be felt. It is against this foundation that financial analysts have for since quite a while ago tried to build up the relationship that exists among defilement and monetary advancement. To the extent the connection among debasement and monetary advancement is concerned, assessments remain to a great extent separated in both hypothesis and rule. While some observe a potential conjunction among debasement and improvement (Kang 59), other way of thinking contends that defilement and advancement can't coincide and that debasement is the greatest snag to monetary advancement of a nation (Keefer and Knack79). There are in reality some radical financial experts who place that in addition to the fact that corruption acts as an obstr uction to monetary advancement that debasement could be a key issue prompting financial downturn. Realizing that financial downturn is a time of business cycle withdrawal and log jam in monetary action (Werlin 782), one would consider defilement to be an intense blister with the more terrible significant monetary impacts. However, until there is some degree of exact research that legitimizes the connection between

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Positive Attitude Essays

A Positive Attitude Essays A Positive Attitude Essay A Positive Attitude Essay A positive mental disposition is a completely fundamental essential for progress. Your disposition decides how well you do and how far you go throughout everyday life. The vast majority realize that you have to have a positive mental disposition to accomplish any proportion of satisfaction and achievement, however what's going on here? A positive mental disposition is the manner by which you react to misfortune and trouble. The main way you can determine what kind of mentality you have is the means by which you respond when things turn out badly. Your disposition is dictated by your desires. In the event that you expect that brilliant and positive things will transpire during the day, you have a positive and idealistic disposition. Your brain resembles a nursery, whatever you plant, it will return back to you. In the event that you plant negative contemplations and consistently take care of and feed those considerations, at that point that is the thing that will develop in you life. Then again on the off chance that you continually think positive and hopeful contemplations, at that point your life will be certain and idealistic. One of the most significant contrasts between fruitful individuals and ineffective individuals is the manner in which they think. Effective individuals contemplate the things they need. They talk about accomplishing their objectives, great wellbeing, joy, and flourishing, while fruitless individuals invest the greater part of their energy contemplating the things that they dont need. They continually whine, stress, and discussion about their issues. Issues are predictable and consistent for us all. They resemble waves huge and little that continue coming each day. The manner in which you take a gander at your issues will in enormous part decide your disposition. For instance, numerous individuals have the disposition that on the off chance that somebody is pleasant to them, at that point theyll be decent consequently. In the event that somebody is horrible or ill bred to them, at that point theyll be a similar route consequently. The Law of Sowing and Reaping says that whatever you sow throughout everyday life, you will procure. Keep in mind, it is the Law of Sowing and Reaping not the Law of Reaping and Sowing. Your demeanor is an impression of the sort of individual you are within and the world you live in. For instance, on the off chance that you need individuals to be inviting, affable, and aware to you, at that point you must be those things to others first. Unfortunate propensities are difficult to break and new ones are difficult to frame. So building up a positive mental disposition will require some investment. Start tomorrow first thing by expecting the best in everything that transpires during the day and treat each individual you interact with the manner in which you hope to be dealt with. Treat everybody with certified, generosity, politeness, and regard and that is the thing that will be reflected back to you.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Motherhood as a Sin The Kid - Literature Essay Samples

Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid appears to be a light-hearted film about companionship, fighting, and trickery, but an examination from a cultural standpoint reveals the film’s intellectual depth. Chaplin illustrates the will to survive despite the degrading aspects of capitalism through his struggle to raise the kid he discovered. When Chaplin first finds a baby abandoned on the street, he picks it up out of compassion and attempts to return it. Since car thieves transported the child from his mother, Chaplin fails at his quest. Charlie, a poor bachelor, considers himself unfit to care for a child and attempts to place the child in the care of several pedestrians. The police thwart his plans and remain unreceptive as he tries to explain. Ultimately, Chaplin discovers the note attached to the baby and decides to raise the child as his own. This is the only viable option for Chaplin, who cannot turn to the law or civilians for help. He must raise the child. Even though Chaplins character lacks the resources to provide adequately for himself, he provides for the kid. Chaplin makes a living, not through gainful employment, but instead by systematically destroying property and rebuilding it at a fee. The police uncover Chaplin’s ruse and discover the circumstances in which Chaplin came to raise the boy. Upon reading the note left with the baby, the policeman berates Chaplin for raising the boy without acceding to the authorities. The authorities â€Å"take care† of the child, and after a lengthy journey, Chaplin reunites with his son. The Kid was released in 1921. The Carnegie model of philanthropy reached its peak a few years before this. In this model, businessmen who built up large companies through exploitation and fierce business procedures donated public buildings, such as libraries and concert halls, in order to foster learning and a strong work ethic in their communities. Although the results of their philanthropic practices were almost universally extolled, these moguls often received criticism that those they helped were the very people they targeted in their business practices. Just as Chaplin looked for guidance and help before raising the child, those who struggled in Carnegie’s age looked for support within the workplace by way of reasonable hours or benefits. Upon the denial of these, they continued to work. Then, they were offered institutions such as libraries that served as very public, direct action to help them. This was provided without their input and without consideration as to how th ey came to be so impoverished and uneducated. From the actors to the producer, the â€Å"above-the-line† employees of film made sure to produce movies that appealed to wholesome movie audiences. Because of this, Chaplin struck a balance between crafting a message that appealed to those frustrated by an exploitative working culture and crafting one that upheld traditional values. The mother of the child plays an important role in this balance. She appears to be a wealthy, well-connected woman â€Å"whose sin was motherhood.† Her amicable relationship with Chaplin at the end of the film reassures audiences that the message of The Kid is not too subversive. Audiences understand the pressures and hypocrisies of society as they affect Charlie, while understanding the virtues of those involved in law. Ultimately, Chaplin reunites with the child within the confines of the law, as emphasized by the physical setting of the orphanage. The woman’s character ensures that the audience completely comprehends the lack of absolutes. The woman’s compassion after she becomes a star is notable and emphasizes that money does not necessarily cause evil in the audience’s mind. The filmmakers crafted this in order to appeal to a wealthier audience. As shown by her interactions with Chaplin and the kid, the woman remains slightly clueless but truly wishe s to help. Much of the audience of The Kid likely fit this description. The Kid allows viewers to understand the intricacies and difficulties of life for the poor in the early 1900s. It covers topics of weighty significance, but allows the audience to enjoy the spectacle that an often-hypocritical legal system provides. The filmmakers choose to portray the antagonists as fundamentally confused, rather than as evil men who wish to ruin the lives of the main characters. The policeman truly does not understand the difficulties of Chaplin’s existence, and neither did the audience. Comedies such as The Kid allow viewers to appreciate the gravity dilemmas without getting caught up in a diatribe or lecture. Chaplin persists despite the odds or the lack of an ally; this allows him to reunite with the child.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Machiavelli’s The Prince Examples of Machiavellian...

Arguably, the most Machiavellian leader to ever exist would be Joseph Stalin. He abided by three major Machiavellian methods that were stated in the Prince: the ends justifies the means, crush any opposition, and displaying a false character. Stalin had a plan for Russia and did everything in his power to achieve that plan. He wanted to transform Russia into a industrial superpower, a military superpower, and a political superpower. To achieve his goals he committed many horrible crimes against humanity. To be more specific, Stalin killed more than sixty million people during his reign. He was a selfish cold-blooded, heart less, and evil leader; human life was nothing to him. What caused him to develop such evil traits? It all started†¦show more content†¦This strategy disposed Stalin of any political opposition, which helped him sustain his power. Another major method that Stalin used to maintain his power was the use of propaganda to portray himself as a benevolent father figure. While at the same time he was committing mass murder. In Ukraine alone he killed ten million people in only two years! Many historians agree that Stalin killed over sixty million people. Why did he kill so much people? This can be traced back to Machiavelli’s The Prince. As discussed before, The Prince teaches that a ruler should have the fear of the people. Stalin slaughtered so many people to prevent any opposition to his reign. He eliminated all the strong people, both the intellectual and physical; therefore the few left would be too afraid and too weak, physically and mentally, to resist. Stalin did exactly what Machiavelli stated in the Prince, which was also stated above, â€Å" And here it has to be noted that men must be either pampered or crushed, because they can get revenge fore small injuries but not fore grievous ones.† Stalin stated â€Å" Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.†, â€Å" Gratitude is a sickness suffe red by dogs.†, and â€Å" I trust no one, not even myself.† As it can be clearly seen, Joseph Stalin epitomises most of Machiavelli’s beliefs that are stated in The Prince. Therefore, Stalin can be consider Machiavelli’s ideal prince. Finally, the last example of a pastShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli1314 Words   |  6 PagesMACHIAVELLI’S LIVED WORLD: SETTING CONTEXT Niccolà ² Machiavelli’s The Prince was written in a time of political and civil unrest in Italy. For decades the city-state of Florence suffered several political uprisings and the establishment of new governments. From tyrannical rule to the creation of a democratic republic, and finally the re-establishment of the Medici family, The Prince comes from Machiavelli’s lived experiences in these political regimes. Machiavelli blames the division of Italy intoRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1699 Words   |  7 PagesFrom describing world leaders to political antiheroes in television dramas, characterizing someone as a â€Å"Machiavellian figure† is perceived more as derisive description than an accurate representation of that person’s philosophical views of power. This popular depiction is due to Niccolo Machiavelli’s harsh portrayal of the interlaced relationship between power and politics in his treatise, The Prince. Machiavelli begins his work by contending that it is â€Å"more effective† to reveal the â€Å"practicalRead MoreMachiavellian Leadership : The Prince1285 Words   |  6 PagesMachiavellian Leadership: Are These Principles Morally Correct to Use Today? For centuries, the political principles brought forth through Nicolà ² Machiavelli in his writing, The Prince, have been quite controversial both on the political forefront and the mainstream of leadership training. 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In this book Machiavelli outlines the characteristics of a successful leader. When using The Prince as a lens to read Julius Caesar, the correlation between a leader’s Machiavellianism and their success becomes very apparent. Marcus Brutus is undoubtedly an honorable and respectable man, but his morality prevents him from adhering to Machiavelli’s principles. Due toRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli1681 Words   |  7 Pagespresumptuous analysis not fitting for an academic recognizing the false equivalence between Socrates’ philosophy and Machiavellià ¢â‚¬â„¢s political ethics. The strategy to conduct any sort of liable and valid analysis is not to wholly ignore the â€Å"political† part of the system but to evaluate the ethics behind the systems. The goal of this essay will be to compare and evaluate the Machiavellian ideological government, through the lens of Socratic philosophy. Despite living in similar situations of strife, SocratesRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Ruler?1506 Words   |  7 Pagesboth attempt to give an answer of what makes a good ruler. Plato’s Philosopher King and Machiavelli’s Prince share their similarities and differences, but in the end Machiavelli paints a more realistic picture of a ruler which makes his prince more favorable. In order to understand why Machiavelli’s Prince may be more appealing than Plato’s Philosopher king, we must 1st come to understand what the King and the Prince look like as described by our writers. When it comes to the Philosopher King we areRead MoreSocrates And Machiavelli s Views On Politics1464 Words   |  6 PagesSocrates would oppose Machiavelli’s concept of a prince and the political system he sought to sustain him. To start, Machiavelli’s realist morality follows a form of consequentialism, where he believed the ends justified the means. Machiavelli argues the importance of pragmatism to success in politics, that â€Å"†¦how we live is so far removed from how we ought to live, that he who abandons what is done for what ought to be done, will rather bring about his ruin than his preservation (Prince, p. 140).† LogicallyRead More Changing Interpretations of The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli2638 Words   |  11 PagesChanging Interpretations of The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli After five hundred years, Niccolo Machiavelli the man has ceased to exist. In his place is merely an entity, one that is human, but also something that is far above one. The debate over his political ideologies and theories has elevated him to a mythical status summed up in one word: Machiavelli. His family name has evolved into an adjective in the English language in its various forms. Writers and pundit’s bandy about this newRead MoreA Machiavellian Ruler Of Shakespeare s Hamlet1196 Words   |  5 PagesA Machiavellian ruler is a cunning ruler. This is a ruler who uses anything and anyone that is within his power to get into power and to keep the power. This is not all that entails a Machiavellian ruler. Other characteristics such as good fortunes, wisdom and bravery all come into play. Nonetheless, it is the wickedness in a Machiavellian ruler that is reflected in Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet through King Claudius. King Claudius, is a classic example of the type o f ruler Machiavelli discusses in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Beneficial Side Effect Of Sexual Fulfillment - 1226 Words

Sexual Coercion There are many positive aspects to being sexually active. The beneficial side-effects of sexual fulfillment can positively associate physical health, mental health, and overall well-being with sexual fulfillment. These beneficial side-effects of sex are most likely associated with consensual sex. Unfortunately, not all sex is consensual sex. In today’s society, many people experience unwanted sexual advances in common day-to-day environments. Sexual harassment comprises many forms of invasive behavior. Sexual aggression is the exacerbated form of sexual harassment. These two forms of unwanted sexual advances are components of sexual coercion. The importance of knowledge on the subject of sexual coercion can lead to the undesirable occurrence of sexual coercion not happening. In the unfortunate event that sexual coercion becomes a reality for an individual, knowledge of this subject can give an insight on the fortitude needed to overcome a loathsome memory. Sexu al harassment should in no way be confused with the act of flirtation. The dissimilarities between sexual harassment and flirting are fairly noticeable. The matter depends on the individual responsible for committing the flirting. The difference is whether or not the person committing the flirting is respecting the other individual’s preferences and inclinations. A more detailed explanation of both events shall be further discussed individually in the upcoming sections. According to the textShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Sexuality in Our Lives Essay1168 Words   |  5 Pageswith our inner wants when it comes to this topic. It could make us more loving or even at times some incidents can ruin our lives. Even though we are under educated in this area, its natural and healthy because sexuality is part of emotional fulfillment and we all have different needs to feel loved. Some define sexuality as their general identity while others shy away anything that has to do with this subject. According to The Journal of Sex Research, a study of 137 (46 gay, 46 lesbianRead MoreCharles Fouriers Socialist Thinking1279 Words   |  5 PagesIndustrial Revolution brought along with it technological breakthroughs that helped to build nation’s productivity and wealth, radically changing man’s economic future. On the other hand, the advent of new factories brought along with it some negative side effects. Surrounding factories were crowded slums, full of crime, disease and various social ills. Workers were unable to unionize and had low wages, all the while capital owners saw their fortunes increase tremendously. As a result of these conditionsRead MoreHuman Evolution Is A Controversial Topic1338 Words   |  6 PagesFrancis saying that it is possible for both God and evolution (along with the Big Bang) to exist. 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TABIJE BS in Accountancy College of Business, Economics, and Accountancy Mariano Marcos State University March 2011 OUTLINE Thesis Statement: Students take in supplementary vitamins to improve their health. 1. Introduction 1.1 Vitamins 1.1.1 Definition of Vitamins 1.1.2 ImportanceRead MoreAll Rules And Codes That Should Be Monitored3244 Words   |  13 Pagesthere are also some rules and principles to be monitored, to make the contract good one. The elementary principles that must be followed by Linda green to create a contract arrangement with an impending customer is as the offer from one side and acceptance from other side. Contract law implies that this offer and acceptance should be followed by proper principles and rules that are given by contract law. PARTS OF CONTRACT OFFER: in every contract there is an offer that must be lawful and its acceptance

Is There Such a Thing as Bad Art free essay sample

Perhaps bad art closes oneself to it. One sees something one doesn’t like, and without giving it a further thought one turns away. Or when one does give it a further thought, one thinks only about how the piece of art was, but not about oneself in relation to it. But is having no response a response within itself. Perchance the judging of art cannot be decided by responses. But rather if one cannot speak negatively of an artistic statement, instead one can only speak of ones inability to find artistic merit. And therefore, to speak negatively of art is really to speak negatively of ones own lack of imagination or emotional responsiveness. Or maybe one simply does not understand what the function of art is. However, maybe good art IS only good when it provokes a response. And when one looks back at ones response it is only significant if one notices a change in oneself. We will write a custom essay sample on Is There Such a Thing as Bad Art? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Still, these feelings may or may not exist when viewing a piece of art. And if those feelings do not exist it is not because the art is universally bad or good. Instead it is because the piece is bad or good to you. Conceivably art’s sole reason for existence is to provoke emotion. But then what type of emotion? One may see a gory painting that makes one revolt, but is that good art? Is a piece of art only good because it is popular or trendy? And if so then does bad art become good art when it is decided popular. Perhaps a painting is considered good measuring by how much money it costs. Or maybe it can only be considered good by the qualifications of the artist who made it. If so, would a finger painting by a kindergartener automatically be considered bad art while a blank canvas by a distinguished artist be genius? That is if in fact a finger painting can be determined as art at all. What even is art? Is it only considered art if it is on a canvas? Or can art be on the walls of a building in graffiti form? Is doodling in your notebook when bored in Philosophy class art? Or are all these creative forms of expression meaningless because they do not have to professionalism of an art gallery? I can say in confidence that I take a reformed socialist view on this. Theres no such thing as bad art but in return there is no great art either. Everything is subjective. There are billions of people living in different worlds, bad only exists to the person and groups of like people. But to be fair so does good. Perhaps instead of questioning, we should simply just let art be. Acceptance that without yin there would be no yang and without bad there would be no good.