Sunday, December 29, 2019

Annotated Outline The Nature and Source of Knowledge

Annotated Outline Introduction The study of knowledge has made important contributions to education. Most fundamentally in identifying epistemology as a group of informal knowledge that may play a role in the nature and source of knowledge, purpose and view of knowledge, application of knowledge, and acquisition of knowledge professional and personal. Feldman (2003) argues that epistemology is important because it is concerned with the methodology of human inquiry, or how we go about the process of reasoning and acquiring knowledge. Without a clear understanding of what can be known and how it can be known, it is not possible to ascertain knowledge. Therefore, sound epistemological views are fundamental for sound reasoning and thinking. Thesis: The only knowledge which can be fully ascertained is empirical knowledge, knowledge which is gained through sense-perceptions such as sight and sound. Knowledge gained through pure reasoning can never be fully reliable because it is not grounded in experience of the materi al world. The nature and source of knowledge Feldman (2003) argues that knowledge can be acquired by different sources, such as memory, testimony, reasoning, perception, rational insight, and introspection. Feldman (2003) stated that the Standard view of knowledge of people claim to know many things and they attribute knowledge to others in a variety of cases. However, the great thinkers of the past have not always agreed on the sources from whichShow MoreRelatedProposal for Final Project996 Words   |  4 PagesFinal Project. I will be using diverse sources of knowledge and information including real life experience, text books, class discussions, journals and publications both hard copy; and where available and on the internet. I will be doing an original review and analysis in the final project. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Effects Of Social Media On Teen Pregnancy Essay - 1400 Words

Effects of Social Media on Teen Pregnancy Does social media impact teenagers in a positive or negative manner? With the advent of social media, it is unclear what to expect from it and the influence it brings to the society. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many others, there are both positive and negative effects on the youth. While there are many challenges society and families face, one that continues to be of concern is Teen pregnancy. Teenage is a crucial phase of life where teens are growing physically and emotionally. They are vulnerable to the influences of the society and fall prey to sexual activities that could lead them to parenthood at a very young age. Teen pregnancy is not only an issue in United States, but it is also an issue in United Kingdom, France, Spain and other developed nations. With the wide popularity and use of s ocial media by the current generation of teens, it makes all the more interesting to learn on how social media affects on teen pregnancy. The easy access to extensive content available in the social media along with the platform to communicate openly across teen community has enabled society to bring awareness and understand consequences of teen pregnancy along with actions for prevention. According to a report, â€Å"the social media use by teenagers betweenShow MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy Is A Convenient Excuse1152 Words   |  5 PagesTeen pregnancy is often seen as a mistake, however blaming teen pregnancy on one or two things or person doesn’t resolve the solution. Teen pregnancy is something that affects millions of young teens in the United States. For some , these pregnancies are planned but majority of teen pregnancy is unplanned. Teen pregnancy causes a lot of endless problems in the lives of the teen and the newborn child. According to the article â€Å" Blaming TV for Teen Pregnancy Is A convenient excuse† by SchroederRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Teen Pregnancy1085 Words   |  5 PagesTV series â€Å"Teen Mom† and â€Å"16 and Pregnant† has spiked the rate of pregnant teens around 2006 and 2007 when the producers launched the first show 16 and pregnant. This lead to questioning if the hit TV show was affecting the young viewers sexual habits. Parents should enforce what their kids watch on TV, parents definitely have a say in what their underage kids can and can’t watch. There is evidence that raises concerns on sexual behavior. There are ways to reduce the bad impact media can provideRead MoreCauses and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay813 Words   |  4 PagesThe Truth about Teenage Pregnancy Outline I. Introduction II. Body A. Causes 1. Lack of sexual education 2. Lack of communication between the parents and teens a. Weak relationship b. Too strong of a relationship 3. Drugs 4. Trends a. Social b. Media 5. Abuse B. Effects 1. Unwanted/ unplanned pregnancy 2. Abortion 3. Neglect/ Child abuse 4. Complications a. Maternal deaths b. Birth defects 5. Incomplete education Read MoreTeenage Pregnancy and the Media Essay1531 Words   |  7 Pagesgreat debate on whether or not mass media has an influence on teenage pregnancy. A study done by the RAND Corporation shows that teens are twice as likely to have sex or engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media. Many objects in the media that involve sex target teens. Reality TV shows and teen dramas often portray the cool kids as the ones who are having sex (Chandra).Today’s teens are highly influenced by what they see in the media and this can change their behaviorRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pages Teen Pregnancy Meshia Williams Just because teenage pregnancy has decreased does not mean the problem is solved. Nearly all teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Teen mothers are nearly twice as likely to forgo prenatal care in the first trimester. This sets up complications along with health problems, costs, responsible fatherhood, education, and risky behavior. 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Because of hit television shows like 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, and Teen Mom 3, media has made it acceptable for teens to attempt motherhood. In this case, teens are not taking in account the associated health risk and related issues like abortion , lack of care, and mental trauma. The children ofRead MoreThe Issue of Teen Pregnancy1458 Words   |  6 PagesTeen pregnancy The issue of teen pregnancy is a fact that can no longer be overlooked in terms of its magnitude in the society today. Despite the widespread sex education and peer counseling and guidance, there still is a wide prevalence of teen pregnancy, a challenge that does not only affect the teenagers but the society at large. Effects of teen pregnancy The aspect of teen pregnancy is one of the most challenging situations to be in as a young person as it could interrupt flow of schoolRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pagesin the world, the United States has the highest incidence of teen pregnancy. Although there has been a decline in the number of pregnancies among adolescents, teen pregnancy is still a serious health concern that needs continued intervention. It is widely agreed upon that becoming pregnant at a young age has negative effects on both mother and baby in many different aspects. What are the reasons for the increased rate of teen pregnancies in the United States despite the health risks, and how can weRead MoreThe Novel The Spirit Level I Came Into Inequality901 Words   |  4 Pagesto society as a whole. The major issues that are brought up in the book are the inequality between the rich and the poor in developed countries but also the comparison between developing countries. The book dives into s everal factors that are the effects of the inequality ranging from obesity, teenage birth, life expectancy etc.†¦ I would discuss in depth on each of these factors and how they all are key components in society and how they add to the inequality in developed countries. One of the first

Friday, December 13, 2019

Agiesm Free Essays

Myths can be considered a common way for society as a whole to develop stereotypical Judgments upon the elderly community. Myths create negative attitudes that often create discrimination within society that enhances untruths about the elderly population. In order to see the myths that hinder society as a hole taking a look at what ageism Is is in fact beneficial to bring truth to the table. We will write a custom essay sample on Agiesm or any similar topic only for you Order Now What Is ageism? Ageism Is a social attitude that has created myths wealth society that have endorsed society’s stereotype of aging adults within communities. Myths are can be generated by many things such as demeaning comments passed on from person to person or by simply turning on the television and seeing negative adaptations of what life Is like as an elderly person. â€Å"Many social psychologists and gerontologists cite the media as a major source of negative stereotypes of the elderly’ (Martin, 2007) (up. 141). Fear of growing old can generate the social attitudes seen in ageism that brings about negative behaviors to cloud people’s Judgments and ultimately result In myths. Language is one of the most pervasive ways that ageism exists and persists In our society’ (Wilkinson, Ferreira, Nelson, 2004, up. 341-342). Terms used in daily conversations such as; old people, grumpy old men, they can’t do it they are to old are all types of languages that support ageism in society today. Interventions and strategies with ageism are to educate the public on the rigorousness of discrimination and taunting language directed towards our aging adults. In today’s societies many options are available for the elderly to seek refuge in these times of need. According to Martin (2007), † contrary to the common belief of many in the United States, most elderly individuals remain in their homes until death and are cared for by family members† (up. 142). In some situations a family member may move their aging relative or loved one into their homes to make it easier for them to maintain constant care needed on a twenty- four hour basis. Retirement communities offer numerous accommodations that assist ND care for aging adults in a setting that creates an active lifestyle. Some communities offer clubs, crafts, physical health classes, cooking facilities, pools, beautiful landscapes to walk in and anything else that will empower yet keep a well balanced lifestyle. â€Å"Government subsidized senior housing can make housing costs more affordable for the elderly population, whether in the form of a subsidy provided directly to the elderly in form of tax credits, loans, or rental vouchers, or subsidies provided to the housing community, which passes on this discount to the enter† (Martin, 2007) (up. 143). Finally there is assisted living facilities (ODL) designed to accommodate individuals who need around the clock care and assistance. This option of residency is an apartment typesetting that is based around structured living. In an (ODL) environment there will be all types of assistance to various needs from the residence in the forms of eating, bathing, walking, exercising, getting dressed and even help with taking medications on time. Most (ODL) communities will have Can’s (Certified Nursing Assistants) as well as on tie Urn’s (Registered Nurses) that provide most of the assistance needed for care. How to cite Agiesm, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Evolution Vs. Creation Essay Example For Students

Evolution Vs. Creation Essay Evolution versus Creationism is a hot topic that is in constant debate among scientists and Christians. Held in high regard to the world of science, Evolution, is the theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors. On the other hand, faith of millions of Christians hold the truth that, the act of GOD by which the whole entire world was brought into existence is where the basis of everything in existence today came from. In regards to the two arguments above, my entire ballot is supporting the views and ideas of the Creation theory. Evolution is a theory that is based on science and concrete evidence. Faith is in no way, shape, or form, a factor that influences the ideas and theories supported by Scientists. Faithless and blind, the world of science chooses to support a claim that is shattered by the faith of millions and millions of Christians. In my argument, there are several ideas that I have researched on the internet as to why evolution is an invalid theory, and is to be disregarded as the basis for such a fine genre of study, such a science. Evolution is a process that cannot take place unless mutations that are random occur. In the instance of animals advanced mechanisms of defense, random mutation could not produce them. A specific beetle dubbed the bombardier beetle possesses two chemical tanks in its body. Upon attacking the beetle, two different chemicals in the tanks are sprayed from the body. Combined in the air, a hot explosion is produced in the face of the predator. In light of evolution, when the initial mutations occurred and the tanks were just starting to form but were not yet able to function properly, they would serve no purpose to the beetle. Thousands of mutations, and millions of years would be need to produce the end result of the beetles defense, especially since the mechanism would not aide the animal in any survival advantage until it was fully developed. Plus, mutations are random and they never would be able to follow a pattern that would exhibit the end result of the beetles defense mechanism. E volution simply does not work. Evolution would be comparable to copying a computer program over to a computer that would randomly change one byte during each copy process. You could copy the program a billion times but the result would only produce a program that does not function, not a program with added features. Another point to be observed when taking consideration into the theory of evolution is the proposed idea of intermediate fossils. The basic problem is that, there are no intermediate fossils. If evolution were a theory that held truth, there would be numerous examples of animals, which are between the stages of development of different characteristics. For example, there is yet to be a discovery of a fossil that exhibits how wings developed. There is no fossil that objectifies a creature or animal that has a forelimb that is halfway between being an arm, and half way between being a leg. That is one more reason that nullifies the idea of evolution. Another factor that does not support the idea of evolution is the factor of DNA. All observed mutations of DNA cause a loss of DNA information. All experiments in the laboratory that include DNA of mutated specimens always show a loss of DNA information. For evolution to truly take place there must be the addition of new data to the DNA chain, yet there has never been the case to this point. Oddly enough, many supporters of evolution always show animals that have lost some feature, de-evolution, and regard that as an example of evolution?Closing my researched ideas falsifying evolution, it is shown that there are three major aspects alone, not including others, why evolution is not a valid theory of creation. Since mutations are random, they would never be able to follow a set pattern to achieve the end result of a set species. Intermediate fossils that would support the claim of evolving animals do not exist. Plus, DNA of species with mutations always shows a loss of DNA. Evolution is a theory that should not be blindly accepted with out extensive research. For the basis of science to be on concrete evidence and facts, they are lacking many of those aspects when it comes to the support of evolution.